CSCI 1210

Essentials of Web Development

CSCI 1210

This site is for use in conjunction with ETSU's Desire 2 Learn application for the administration of CSCI 1210 (Jack Ramsey, Ken Loveday, and Erin Cook; Lecturers).

It is hosted on the same server that we will use to host and serve up our class projects, labs and assignments. It is hoped that this site and our activities will provide a more immersive learning experience by exposing students to details of web development that extend beyond simply learning the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML5) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Students will learn interaction with an Internet Service Provider, site design, information architecture, requirements elicitation, identification of targeted user groups, basics (very basic) of image editing and optimization, concepts associated with logos and branding, testing, deployment, search engine optimization, accessibility, and other elements of the Web Design Lifecycle. Web Design


The content of this site will grow over time, as more is developed or converted from older content. Students will be able to access lab materials, homework assignments, video links (for relevant videos and instructor-produced video lectures hosted on YouTube), and any other material deemed to be constructive for the effort of learning web design and development in the first of the web development course series at ETSU.


Though D2L provides all of the functionality that has been reproduced here, it is believed that using the web in a less prepackaged manner will create greater student opportunities for learning this ever-growing technology.

Many students who enroll in CSCI 1210 are not Department of Computing majors. This site is intended to include content that will not only better engage non-computing majors, but also provide them with greater knowledge regarding computing and the things that go on "under the hood" when using higher-end tools to create, test, deploy, and maintain web-based content.

In addition, the content contained herein will satisfy the learning-based outcomes for computing majors and enhance their opportunities for success in the remaining classes in web development, CSCI 1720, Intermediate Topics in Web Development, CSCI 2910, Server-Side Web Programming and CSCI 3110, Advanced Topics in Web Development.

Design Notes

This site was designed using several tools. Text files were edited with Notepad++, a versatile freeware text editor with many nice features. File transfer was accomplished using FileZilla, another popular open source application. The front end layout was completed using the Bootstrap Framework by Twitter.

Our sites are hosted on a Ubuntu Linux server hosted by DigitalOcean and administered by the author. Adobe Photoshop was used for the image editing.

Other resources that will be used in the class include:

Text for the Class

HTML and CSS Book
HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

Author: Jon Duckett
ISBN: 978-1118871645
512 Pages
April 2014

This is the text we'll be using for the class this semester. I've found it to not only be an easy read, but it aligns nicely with the course content. It is a bit dated, but nevertheless, really explains things well. It should be available in the bookstore by the time you read this.