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CSCI 1210

Essentials of Web Development

Introduction to HTML

Essentials of Web Design

CSCI 1210

Tools &
Hypertext Markup Language

Software Tools

How do we create websites?

There are several 'software tools' that we'll need this semester to create our web pages/sites

None of them are particularly special, but all are needed

Later in this lecture, we'll show you a website that will let you pick the applications you want (all we need, except one) and download/install them all at once

...which is nice

How do we create websites?

So what do you need to make a web page?

A text editor

That's it

For a couple of years, I used Notepad for making web pages, before I discoverd Microsoft FrontPage - but that's another story

After all, as we'll soon see, an HTML page is just a text file

How do we create websites?

A text editor:

notepad notepad++ sublime geany
vim text wrangler brackets


This semester we'll be using the Brackets editor for our coding

Developed and maintained by Adobe (but free, believe it or not)

Lots of nice features

I think of it as a 'lightweight IDE' (Integrated Development Environment)

Available from


But you said we need several tools? What gives?

Well, yeah

But to make a simple page, we just need an editor

What if we want to view the page?

What if we want to add pictures?

What if we want other people to see our page?

What if we want to share our source code with others?

To view a page


We'll need a browser

As you know, a web browser is an application used to, well, browse the web

There are many flavors

You're likely most familiar with Internet Explorer - Ewwwwww!

All of the development for this site was done using Google Chrome

Much of it was tested with Firefox as well

Collectively, we do not like IE

What about pictures?


Though Photoshop is probably the best photo editor, we'll be using GIMP

Gnu Image Manipulation Program

Open source photo editor

Almost as good as PS (some argue better)

Plenty good enough for our needs, as we'll see

What about sharing (publishing)?


This is where it sometimes gets a little confusing for students

To 'publish' our finished pages, we have to upload them to a server account

You all (I hope!) already have accounts on the class web server

We will be using an application called FileZilla to transfer/upload our work to the server

FileZilla uses an Internet technology called the File Transfer Protocol to move files from one computer to another (more on that later)

What about sharing source code and files?


A lot of times, we want to be able to conveniently share and distrubute projects

To do so, we typically create a compressed archive of the files, called a .zip file

A lot of your lab activities are going to start with one or several files that are partially completed

You'll download the archive to your working directory and extract (or 'unzip') the files from the archive

Probably the most popular application for this is called 7-Zip



Now, you could go to the websites for all of these applications,
download their respective install files, and run each

That would work. But there's an easier way

There's a site named On, you can select any number of open-source applications, download them as an executable bundle, and install them all with one double-click

On, find and select Chrome (if you don't already have it), FileZilla, GIMP, 7-Zip, and any other application you think you might find useful. Click 'Get Your Ninite' to download the bundle

Except Brackets. You still have to download the install file from

That's it!

So that's it for the software applications we will need this semester

You may have found some others that you'll find useful in the future

If, at the end of the semester, you decide you won't be using them anymore (I doubt it!), you can always uninstall them

There're a bunch that I use all the time


What is HTML?


Hypertext Markup Language

"Language of the Web"

Set of 'tags' or 'elements' designed to create the structure of a web page

HTML documents

"plain text" documents with the elements embedded for formatting

What is HTML?

Basic HTML pages require no compiling

Compiling? What the heck is 'compiling?'

Basic HTML documents' file extension is typically either .htm or .html

.htm vs .html

So what's the difference?

Basically, just the letter 'l'

The reason for the .htm extension dates back to when certain (*cough, cough…MS-DOS*) Operating Systems only allowed for 3 character extensions

In modern times, both .htm and .html behave, display, and act the exact same way

It is best practice to choose one or the other and stick with it

For this class – we will use .html

History of HTML

Originally, HTML was based on a language called Standard Generalized Mark-up Language (SGML). SGML is a standard that is defined for a markup language for documents

SGML helps to define elements that indicate which portion of the document is a paragraph, sentence, bolded, etc

It is also hideously complicated

History of HTML

HTML 1 was first released in 1991

Current accepted standard of HTML is HTML 5

The final revision and adoption of the standard was in October of 2014

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the governing body that determines standards for Web technologies

History of HTML

All current browsers (latest versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari, etc) support HTML5

browser icons


Example: Take the text, “Welcome to Class”

If, in the source document, we wrap that with the bold (<strong></strong>) tags, thus: <strong>Welcome to Class</strong>

    Welcome to Class

this is what the browser displays:



Some tags exist in pairs and are called container or normal tags

    I read To Kill a Mockingbird

the browser displays:



Some tags aren't paired. They're called standalone or void tags

Example: Hi <br> there (notice no ending tag)

there </body>


<strong> vs. <b>; <em> vs. <i>

Appearance-wise, <strong> and <b> make text bold; <em> and <i> italicize text

The difference lies in adaptive technology

<strong> and <em> modify the playback voices for screen readers

Sometimes, you may just want to modify text’s appearance without the emphasis on the reader’s ‘voice’

When we talk about CSS, we’ll learn that we can (should) use CSS when all we want to do is modify the appearance of text content

Nesting Tags

    I'm running out of example text.


Nesting Tags

last on, first off: The last tag open should be the first tag closed


    <strong>this is bold<em> this is bold italic</strong></em>


    this is bold this is bold italic


While HTML5 tags are not case sensitive (i.e. <HTML> is the same as <html> and <hTmL>), conventional and best practice states that HTML tags and attributes should be in lowercase

This is a surprisingly big issue in this class - you have to unlearn some old typing habits

Using all-lowercase is one of them


Many HTML tags include attributes

Attributes provide additional information about the tag to the browser

Attributes are included inside of the opening tag

With each attribute, you can assign a value with the equals sign followed by the value in quotation marks

Some attributes are required for the element to work; some are optional

Attribute Examples



... Required: CSCI 1210 <img src='myImage.jpg' alt='My Image'> </body>

Note: 'href' means 'hypertext reference,' a fancy way of saying 'address.'
'src' means 'source'

HTML: Tags or Elements?

Sometimes people will use the terms “tag” and “element” interchangeably

More correct: an element consists of both tags and the content between them


HTML 5 Document Structure


HTML 5 Document Structure

To begin an HTML document we start with the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration

This declaration is not a tag. Rather it is an indication to the browser that this document is a specific version of HTML

In this case <!DOCTYPE html> signifies that this is an HTML5 document

HTML 5: <!DOCTYPE html>

XHTML (the old standard):

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">

As you can see, HTML 5 (in many ways) was a huge leap forward in developer-friendliness

HTML 5 Document Structure


After the Document Type Declaration, we enter in our first element – the <html>…</html> element

This element is used to signify to the browser that everything between the opening and closing tags is contained within the HTML element

I think of it as the “html container”

HTML 5 Document Structure


The Head Element

Inside of the <html>...</html> element there are two sections

The first section is <head>...</head>

Identifies descriptors for the document

This can include scripts, stylesheets, meta information, and the title of the document

HTML 5 Document Structure


HTML 5 Document Structure

<meta> elements: provide metadata about the HTML document

'meta' information is information describing the document that is embedded inside the document

Does not display on the page, but can be parsed by other applications, for example, search engines

HTML 5 Document Structure

        <meta charset='utf-8'>
        <title>Document Title</title>

In the above example, meta is using the attribute charset with the value utf-8

This is the character encoding of the document

UTF-8 is the web standard (utf-8 == Universal Character Set + Transformation Format—8-byte.
1,112,064 characters are defined by UTF-8)

This declaration is required for an HTML 5 document to be valid

Other meta elements

    <meta name='author' content='Joe Dokes'>
    <meta name='description' content='template page'>
    <meta name='keywords' content='template, starting page'>
    <meta name='last-modified' content='2020-07-18'>
    <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='30'>

These are called, in the computing world, key/value pairs

On the first line, for example, 'name' is a key and 'author' is its value

HTML 5 Document Structure


HTML 5 Document Structure

The <title> element: title of the document

Not necessarily the file name or any titles that are used in the document

Always nested inside of the head element

Displays in the browser’s tab or top bar


HTML 5 Document Structure


HTML 5 Document Structure


HTML 5 Document Structure

The second section nested in the <html> 'container' of the document is the <body>...</body> element

This section is where various elements, images, tables, forms, text, etc. can be placed to be displayed on the screen when the page is rendered by the browser

We'll see, moving forward, that a large number of elements can be embedded in the <body> element, including headings, paragraphs, images, tables, audio, video, JavaScript, and others

Body Element

    Can include text, pictures, video, tables, styling 	code, Javascript, etc.

The body's content consists of nested elements

Nesting is an important concept

It is how we create the document's structure

Body Element

About the HTML Document

Text that is not inside of html tags is rendered as “default format” by the browser


Multiple spaces, soft and hard returns, and tabs are ignored by the browser

Whitespace makes the code easier to read, but is ignored by browsers

Parent / Child Relationship


The indentation of text is intentional and required. It helps to visually identify what is contained within tags that are the next level to the left (their parent elements)

The indentation causes the elements of the document to take the form of what is referred to as a parent/child relationship. Indented elements are the children of elements that are not indented, or are indented less

Parent / Child Relationship


Thus, in this example, the <head> and <body> elements are children of the <html> element, while the <head> element is the parent of the <meta> and <title> elements


Comments are important

You should always code with maintenance in mind

Someone will eventually have to maintain/update/change the code


Note the space between the second dash and first letter of the comment (believe it or not, it's important)



Comments begin with <!-- and end with -->


Not displayed to the screen (generally speaking)

Comments are sent to the browser


Passwords, credit card numbers, etc

Can be seen by viewing the page’s source

Useful for noting design information and future support of the page


For the purposes of this class, every document you submit should have the following comments in the <head> section of your document:

This isn't carved in stone - what you put into your comment block depends on the document

It's important that your documentation includes enough information to make it easier to maintain

HTML Terms

Tags - define the structure of the document:

<a href=“”>Dept of Computing</a>

Elements - includes everything from the opening tag to the closing tag:

<a href=“”>Dept of Computing</a>

Attributes - provide additional information about the tag:

<a href=“”>Dept of Computing</a>

Next Week


pp 41-48

pp 63-72

pp 75-94

pp 95-124



Lecture Quiz

1. What is HTML's responsibility in web design?

A. Document structure

B. Styling

C. Security

D. Dynamic behavior

Lecture Quiz

2. What is the name of agency that maintains standards for web technologies?



C. W3C


Lecture Quiz

3. Which is correct?


B. <HtmL>

C. <hTML>

D. <html>

Lecture Quiz

4. What can be included with an element to provide additional information about it to the browser?

A. Attribute

B. Closing tag


D. Meta tag

Lecture Quiz

5. Which characters are used in HTML to denote a comment?

A. // ... //

B. <!-- ... -->

C. /* ... */

D. ## ...

Lecture Quiz

6. Which element holds the part of a web page that is displayed in the browser?

A. <!DOCTYPE html>

B. <container>

C. <head>

D. <body>

Lecture Quiz

7. What is the official character set of the web?

A. UTF-8



D. ISO-32

Lecture Quiz

8. What is the current HTML standard?




D. HTML 4.01

Lecture Quiz

9. Which HTML element acts like a typewriter carriage return?

A. <br>

B. \n

C. <p>


Lecture Quiz

10. HTML elements cannot be nested

A. True

B. False