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CSCI 1210

Essentials of Web Development

Essentials of Web Design

CSCI 1210




One way communication:

So far we have created HTML5 that the server sends to the client for display in a browser

Two way communication: How can the client send information back to the server?

Supplying name, address, and payment information for an online purchase

Registering for an online site/service

Sending Data from Client to Server

A form is used to collect data from the client for transmission

Form gathers all the information and submits it as a single "bundle" of information

Different types of form fields exist to permit collecting different types of information

Sending Data from Client to Server

When a form is submitted, it must be processed by the server using a program called a server-side script

The program processes the information and replies in a fashion dictated by its programming

Sending Data from Client to Server

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Sending Data from Client to Server

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Sending Data from Client to Server

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Creating a Form

Form Element

All items in the form must be contained in a form element

There is only one set of <form> tags containing all the fields rather than a form tag around each item

Creating a Form

Required form attributes:

action -specifies the URL that is to receive the transmitted information method--specified the method to be used for transferring the information

method - specifies the method to be used for transferring the information


For the attribute method, we have two possibilities:


Sends form data as a part of the URL

It is added as a variable/value pair at the end of the URL after the question mark:

Multiple variable/value pairs are separated by the ampersand symbol in the URL:


For the attribute method, we have two possibilities:


Sends the data to the server in a manner that is not visible to the end user

The information is contained in the page header (meta-data that is sent to the server along with the request)

Still not secure, but information is hidden from the casual observer, or 'shoulder-surfer'


When should we use GET?

When we would like the user to be able to bookmark the link so that they can return to that exact page without submitting the form. When the data is not sensitive data

When should we use POST?

When the data is sensitive data (social security number, username/password, credit card information, etc)

Basic Form Example (Search Google)


Form Fields

  • Single line textbox
  • Password textbox
  • Date selector
  • Email address
  • Hidden fields
  • Number field
  • URL field
  • File selector
  • Data lists
  • Checkboxes
  • Radio button
  • Submit button
  • Reset button
  • Multi-line textbox
  • Select list

Input Element

The <input> element is used ot create (most of) the fields in a form

The <input> element is an inline, standalone element

Two required attributes:

name - Needed to reference the field when the form has been submitted

type - Identifies which kind of input field is being created (textbox, password, checkbox, radio button, etc)

Input Element

Single Line Textbox

By default there is no label to direct users on what to input

We must add the descriptive text to instruct users:

First Name: 
screen shot

Single Line Textbox


value - assigns a value to the field

If the form is submitted without being changed by the end user, this value will be submitted

placeholder - this shows text in the field as a prompt. Once the user begins typing in the field, the placeholder disappears

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Textbox - Other Attributes

size – specifies the size of the box, in number of characters

maxlength – specifies the maximum number of characters

disabled – specifies if the input element is visible, but the end user is not allowed to fill out the box

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Textbox - Other Attributes

autofocus – specifies the element on the page that should receive focus when the form loads

required – specifies that the field must be completed before the form can be submitted

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Textbox - Example

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The password field works the same as the textbox field and can utilize the same attributes

The difference between the two is that the password field masks the user input

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Password Example

(I don't know why my application insists on adding the ="" to the required attribute. It isn't necessary)


The checkbox allows a user to select 0, 1, or many options

With a checkbox, the name/value pair is only submitted if the end user selects the checkbox


checked – this will ensure that the box is checked by default

Checkbox Examples

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Checkbox Example

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Checkboxes - Labels

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Checkboxes - Labels

The value for for="" in the <label> element must match the value for id="" in the <input> element

Now, the checkbox will be selected when either the box itself or its label is clicked

Radio Buttons


Radio buttons work in the same manner as checkboxes with one major difference: With radio buttons you can only select one option out of a grouping

In order to group, the attribute name must be the same for each option in the group

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Radio Buttons


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Favorite Color

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Submit & Reset

The submit button allows the user to submit the field for processing. The location is determined by the attribute action in the <form> tag

The reset button allows the user to clear out any user input and reset the form to the default values assigned for each field

Submit & Reset

screen shot

Submit & Reset


Submit & Reset have one optional attribute: value

This will modify the display text in the button(s)

Submit & Reset

screen shot



The <textarea> element allows for the creation of a multiline text area

If you want a default value associated with the <textarea>, use the value attribute

Textarea attributes

cols - width of the element (in characters, not pixels)

maxlength - maximum number of characters

rows - number of rows displayed

readonly - user cannot change the contents

Textarea - Example

screen shot

Textarea - How it Works

Here's a little JavaScript that shows how a <textarea> works

Textarea - How it Works

What this does is tell the browser to output the value of the text area each time the user enters something

Textarea - How it Works

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Console Output

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Select List

A select list is a drop-down (scrollable) list of predefined options that a user can select from

Select List

Each list option is created using the <option>...</option> element

The text between the opening and closing of the option tag is the text that is visible to the end user

The value associated with the selected option is what is submitted


Attributes for <select>

disabled - The list is visible, but the user cannot select from it

size - The number of visible options

multiple - User can select more than one option

Attribute for the <option> element

selected - Specified element is selected when the page loads (user can change)

Select List - Example

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Reading for this week

Chapter 7 - Forms

Lecture Quiz

(each question has one (1) correct answer only)

1. What attribute do we use to tell the browser how a form should be submitted?

A. action

B. post

C. method

D. get

Lecture Quiz

2. (T/F) <input> elements are block elements

A. True

B. False

Lecture Quiz

3. When a form is submitted, what happens?

A. It is processed by a server-side script

B. The browser processes it and displays the result

C. It is converted to an executable file and executed by the server

D. It is converted to an executable file and executed by the browser

Lecture Quiz

4. What form control offers two or more options, but only allows the user to select one?

A. checkbox

B. text

C. textarea

D. radio button

Lecture Quiz

5. If we want a checkbox to be selected by default when the page loads, what binary attribute do we use?

A. selected

B. checked

C. default

D. picked

Lecture Quiz

6. What does the reset control do?

A. Returns all of the form fields to their default values

B. Reloads the page, which clears all of the form values

C. Clears the value from the last selected field

D. Clears only the fields that have a default value specified

Lecture Quiz

7. Which of the following is a server-side scripting language?

A. JavaScript

B. jQuery


D. C++

Lecture Quiz

8. (T/F) We can modify the display of form elements using CSS

A. True

B. False

Lecture Quiz

9. How do we create a multi-line text input field?

A. <input class="text">

B. <textarea></textarea>

C. <input class="textarea">

D. input class="multiline">

Lecture Quiz

10. Which form method should we use to enable bookmarking?





Have a nice day!